
Budak Mati Selepas Ditinggalkan Didalam Kereta

Hari ni terbaca satu keratan akhbar The Star yang bertajuk “Boy dies after mun forgot she left him in her car“. Tajuk yang straight forward. Sekali baca pun memang dah tahu berita apa yang akan disampaikan. Agak sedih bila berita sebegini keluar.

Dikatakan budak lelaki yang berusia 5 tahun itu dibiarkan tidur bersendirian dalam kereta ibunya lebih dari 5 jam dengan keadaan bertali pinggang keledar sementara ibunya masuk ke dalam sekolah untuk menguruskan sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan kerja. Kejadian hanya disedari bila ibunya teringat yang anak nya sedang tidur didalam kereta. Petikan asal dari The Star:

JOHOR BARU: A five-year-old boy died after his mother accidentally left him in the back seat of her car for several hours.

Apparently, the teacher in her 40s left her house at around 7am to send her son to the kindergarten near their house in Taman Perling here on Tuesday before heading to school.

However, she decided to rush to school first to settle some work-related matters.

She is said to have lost track of time and only remembered more than five hours later that she had left her sleeping son in the car.

When she rushed to her car at around 1.30pm, she found him lying unconscious.

The teacher rushed the boy to the Sultanah Aminah Hospital, where doctors pronounced him dead.

Small groups of friends and relatives, as well as the teacher’s colleagues, were seen visiting the family at their house from 1pm.

By 3pm, the whole road leading to their house was lined with cars and the crowd had swelled, with many forced to stand outside the gate.

The boy will be cremated at the Kebun Teh Hindu crematorium today.

A police source said the case had been classified as sudden death.

Hmmm..Orang macam ni pun ada ke? 5 tahun jaga anak, takkan boleh terlupa anak dalam kereta. Kerja tu kerja lah juga. Tapi anak lagi penting, jaga lah anak-anak sebaik mungkin.

Written by Hafiz Rahim

Social geek. Ambassador of the Planet Vegeta and alliance to the Autobot.

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